Iβve transcompiled code from Python
(code shown in red) to R
(code shown in blue) in order to do supervised dimensionality reduction with Random Forests (RF) and UMAP following this blog post.
The goal was to get an array that contains the leaf indices that each sample was assigned to in the forest in order to feed this information into {uwot
} (for UMAP
implementation in R
I tried out the following R
packages, {randomForest}, {ranger}, and {extraTrees}. {ranger
} was expected to require the lowest compute-time (critical for my project) while {extraTrees
}, in some-cases, can outperform RF implementations (in terms of AUC). _Note: For this project, we are providing a Java
facing UI to clinicians who are Subject Matter Experts who have background knowledge in the underlying biology of an analysis but lack the computational expertise for such analysis. Also note, we are limited to 1 core
on the Java server we provide for analysis; so, necessarily we will benchmark tools in serial
In Python
, scikit-learn
the ExtraTreesClassifier
returns a numpy
array which contains the leaf indices that each sample was assigned to in the forest like so:
To make it as comparable as-possible between R
we will do the brunt of the work using Python
using {reticulate
} following instructions from the blog (however, here, we are decreasing the size of simulated data) comparing only the various RF implementations.
environmentreticulate::conda_create('r-reticulate', python_version = 3.6)
reticulate::conda_install('r-reticulate', packages = PYTHON_DEPENDENCIES, ignore_installed=TRUE)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, ExtraTreesClassifier
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict, StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from tqdm import tqdm
from umap import UMAP ## if this doesn't work try: import umap.umap_ as UMAP
from pynndescent import NNDescent
from fastcluster import single
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import cut_tree, fcluster, dendrogram
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, ExtraTreeClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# turning off automatic plot showing, and setting style
# let us generate some data with 10 clusters per class
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=10000, n_features=500, n_informative=5,
n_redundant=0, n_clusters_per_class=10, weights=[0.80],
flip_y=0.05, class_sep=3.5, random_state=42)
# normalizing to eliminate scaling differences
X = pd.DataFrame(StandardScaler().fit_transform(X))
# Split dataset into training set and test set
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) # 70% training and 30% test
Letβs use Python
βs ExtraTreesClassifier
to get the information from leaf indices and plot.
In the blog post the author used StratifiedKFold
& cross_val_predict
. Here I use train_test_split
instead to create a train/test split. This way I can use the same train/split for Python
& R
and ensure the Area under the ROC curve measurement is comparable.
# model instance
et = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=100, min_samples_leaf=500, max_features=0.80, bootstrap=True, class_weight='balanced', n_jobs=-1, random_state=42)
# Train ExtraTreesClassifer
et.fit(X_train, y_train)
# Print the AUC
## ExtraTreesClassifier(bootstrap=True, class_weight='balanced', max_features=0.8,
## min_samples_leaf=500, n_jobs=-1, random_state=42)
print('Area under the ROC Curve:', roc_auc_score(y_test, et.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]))
## Area under the ROC Curve: 0.850375887423935
The models performance is 0.8504 AUC. Now we move on to embedding.
# let us train our model with the full data
et.fit(X, y)
# and get the leaves that each sample was assigned to
## ExtraTreesClassifier(bootstrap=True, class_weight='balanced', max_features=0.8,
## min_samples_leaf=500, n_jobs=-1, random_state=42)
leaves = et.apply(X)
What are dimensions of the numpy
## (10000, 100)
# calculating the embedding with hamming distance
sup_embed_et = UMAP(metric='hamming').fit_transform(leaves)
# plotting the embedding
## /home/mtg/miniconda3/envs/r-reticulate/lib/python3.6/site-packages/umap/umap_.py:1762: UserWarning: gradient function is not yet implemented for hamming distance metric; inverse_transform will be unavailable
## "inverse_transform will be unavailable".format(self.metric)
plt.figure(figsize=(12,7), dpi=150)
plt.scatter(sup_embed_et[y == 0,0], sup_embed_et[y == 0,1], s=1, c='C0', cmap='viridis', label='$y=0$')
## <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection object at 0x7f1b12fefc50>
plt.scatter(sup_embed_et[y == 1,0], sup_embed_et[y == 1,1], s=1, c='C1', cmap='viridis', label='$y=1$')
## <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection object at 0x7f1b12d247f0>
plt.title('Supervised embedding with ExtraTrees')
## Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Supervised embedding with ExtraTrees')
plt.xlabel('$x_0$'); plt.ylabel('$x_1$')
## Text(0.5, 0, '$x_0$')
## Text(0, 0.5, '$x_1$')
plt.legend(fontsize=16, markerscale=5);
# taking a sample of the dataframe
embed_sample = pd.DataFrame(sup_embed_et).sample(5000, random_state=42)
# running fastcluster hierarchical clustering on the improved embedding
H = single(embed_sample)
# getting the clusters
clusters = cut_tree(H, height=0.35)
print('Number of clusters:', len(np.unique(clusters)))
## Number of clusters: 19
This shows 19 clusters (the simulated number was 20).
# creating a dataframe for the clustering sample
clust_sample_df = pd.DataFrame({'cluster': clusters.reshape(-1), 'cl_sample':range(len(clusters))})
# creating an index with the sample used for clustering
index = NNDescent(embed_sample, n_neighbors=10)
# querying for all the data
nn = index.query(sup_embed_et, k=1)
# creating a dataframe with nearest neighbors for all samples
to_cluster_df = pd.DataFrame({'sample':range(sup_embed_et.shape[0]), 'cl_sample': nn[0].reshape(-1)})
# merging to assign cluster to all other samples, and tidying it
final_cluster_df = to_cluster_df.merge(clust_sample_df, on='cl_sample')
final_cluster_df = final_cluster_df.set_index('sample').sort_index()
# plotting the embedding
plt.figure(figsize=(12,7), dpi=150)
plt.scatter(sup_embed_et[:,0], sup_embed_et[:,1], s=1, c=final_cluster_df['cluster'], cmap='plasma')
## <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection object at 0x7f1b40c6ee48>
plt.title('Hierarchical clustering and extraTrees')
## Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Hierarchical clustering and extraTrees')
plt.xlabel('$x_0$'); plt.ylabel('$x_1$')
## Text(0.5, 0, '$x_0$')
## Text(0, 0.5, '$x_1$')
Now, in R create a data.frame
using the same data we simulated with Python and split into train/test with sklearn
βs train_test_split
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
df <- data.frame(py$X)
df$labels <- as.factor(py$y) # convert to factor for classification
d_train <- data.frame(py$X_train)
d_test <- data.frame(py$X_test)
d_train$labels <- py$y_train
d_test$labels <- py$y_test
# Identity the response column
ycol <- "labels"
# Identify the predictor columns
xcols <- setdiff(names(d_train), ycol)
# Convert response to factor (required by randomForest)
d_train[,ycol] <- as.factor(d_train[,ycol])
d_test[,ycol] <- as.factor(d_test[,ycol])
First, the {randomForest
} package (one of the oldest, most well-known, but not most-optimal, packages):
## randomForest 4.6-14
## Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
## Attaching package: 'randomForest'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
## combine
## Loading required package: ROCR
## Loading required package: data.table
## Attaching package: 'data.table'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
## between, first, last
## cvAUC version: 1.1.0
## Notice to cvAUC users: Major speed improvements in version 1.1.0
# Train a default RF model with 100 trees
## set
set.seed(123) # For reproducibility
model <- randomForest(
x = d_train[,xcols],
y = d_train[,ycol],
xtest = d_test[,xcols],
ntree = 100,
nodes = TRUE # set to keep information on which trees in forest assigned to
) ## user: 30.835 system: 0.008 elapsed: 30.837
## user system elapsed
## 40.846 0.041 40.932
# Generate predictions on test dataset
preds <- model$test$votes[, 2]
labels <- d_test[,ycol]
# Compute AUC on the test set
cvAUC::AUC(predictions = preds, labels = labels)
## [1] 0.8918756
The model performance is 0.8919 AUC. This is slightly better than what we saw in Python (albeit a bit slower)
Now, as we did in Python
, we need to train and apply it on the whole dataset, keeping track of which leaves in the forest each sample was assigned to.
set.seed(123) # For reproducibility
md_full <- randomForest(formula = labels ~ ., data = df, ntree = 100, keep.forest = TRUE)
phat_full <- predict(md_full, newdata = df, type = "prob", nodes = TRUE)
# get the leaf indices that each sample was assigned to in the forest
leaves <- attr(phat_full, "nodes")
## [1] 10000 100
For consistency, letβs take the data back into Python and plot it using matplotlib
# Assign R object as Python object
leafs = r.leaves
# Get embeddings from UMAP
sup_embed_rf = UMAP(metric='hamming').fit_transform(leafs)
# plotting the embedding
## /home/mtg/miniconda3/envs/r-reticulate/lib/python3.6/site-packages/umap/umap_.py:1762: UserWarning: gradient function is not yet implemented for hamming distance metric; inverse_transform will be unavailable
## "inverse_transform will be unavailable".format(self.metric)
plt.figure(figsize=(12,7), dpi=150)
plt.scatter(sup_embed_rf[y == 0,0], sup_embed_rf[y == 0,1], s=1, c='C0', cmap='viridis', label='$y=0$')
## <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection object at 0x7f1af0bdd278>
plt.scatter(sup_embed_rf[y == 1,0], sup_embed_rf[y == 1,1], s=1, c='C1', cmap='viridis', label='$y=1$')
## <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection object at 0x7f1b4091ce10>
plt.title('Supervised embedding with randomForest')
## Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Supervised embedding with randomForest')
plt.xlabel('$x_0$'); plt.ylabel('$x_1$')
## Text(0.5, 0, '$x_0$')
## Text(0, 0.5, '$x_1$')
plt.legend(fontsize=16, markerscale=5);
# taking a sample of the dataframe
embed_sample = pd.DataFrame(sup_embed_rf).sample(5000, random_state=42)
# running fastcluster hierarchical clustering on the improved embedding
H = single(embed_sample)
# getting the clusters
clusters = cut_tree(H, height=0.35)
print('Number of clusters:', len(np.unique(clusters)))
## Number of clusters: 14
This shows 12 clusters (although the simulated number was 20).
# creating a dataframe for the clustering sample
clust_sample_df = pd.DataFrame({'cluster': clusters.reshape(-1), 'cl_sample':range(len(clusters))})
# creating an index with the sample used for clustering
index = NNDescent(embed_sample, n_neighbors=10)
# querying for all the data
nn = index.query(sup_embed_et, k=1)
# creating a dataframe with nearest neighbors for all samples
to_cluster_df = pd.DataFrame({'sample':range(sup_embed_et.shape[0]), 'cl_sample': nn[0].reshape(-1)})
# merging to assign cluster to all other samples, and tidying it
final_cluster_df = to_cluster_df.merge(clust_sample_df, on='cl_sample')
final_cluster_df = final_cluster_df.set_index('sample').sort_index()
# plotting the embedding
plt.figure(figsize=(12,7), dpi=150)
plt.scatter(sup_embed_et[:,0], sup_embed_et[:,1], s=1, c=final_cluster_df['cluster'], cmap='plasma')
## <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection object at 0x7f1b40c0d358>
plt.title('Hierarchical clustering and randomForest')
## Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Hierarchical clustering and randomForest')
plt.xlabel('$x_0$'); plt.ylabel('$x_1$')
## Text(0.5, 0, '$x_0$')
## Text(0, 0.5, '$x_1$')
Other R
packages are known to outperform {randomForest
} - both in terms of accuracy and speed - so I would also like to get this information from {ranger
} and {ExtraTrees
}. ranger
for example, has excellent speed and support for high-dimensional or wide data (e.g. scRNA-sequencing data)
Hereβs what Iβve got so far with the ranger
## Attaching package: 'ranger'
## The following object is masked from 'package:randomForest':
## importance
## Type 'citation("pROC")' for a citation.
## Attaching package: 'pROC'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## cov, smooth, var
# ranger speed
df_ranger <- ranger(
formula = labels ~ .,
data = d_train,
num.trees = 100,
num.threads = 1, # default is the number of CPUs on machine
probability = TRUE
) # user 13.047 system: 0.01 elapsed: 13.048
## user system elapsed
## 17.647 0.006 17.672
pred.ranger <- predict(df_ranger, data = d_test, type = "terminalNodes")
# get model accuracy
ranger.roc <- roc(d_test$labels, pred.ranger$predictions[,2])
## Setting levels: control = 0, case = 1
## Setting direction: controls > cases
## Area under the curve: 0.5741
This model didnβt perform SO well with 0.5471 AUC. DO YOU THINK THIS COULD BE DUE TO pROC
df_ranger <- ranger(formula = labels ~ ., data = df, num.trees = 100, probability = TRUE)
pred.ranger <- predict(df_ranger, data = df, type = "terminalNodes")
lyves <- pred.ranger$predictions
Now in enter repl_python()
and in Python enter:
# Assign R object as Python object
lyves = r.lyves
# Get embeddings from UMAP
sup_embed_rg = UMAP(metric='hamming').fit_transform(lyves)
# plotting the embedding
## /home/mtg/miniconda3/envs/r-reticulate/lib/python3.6/site-packages/umap/umap_.py:1762: UserWarning: gradient function is not yet implemented for hamming distance metric; inverse_transform will be unavailable
## "inverse_transform will be unavailable".format(self.metric)
plt.figure(figsize=(12,7), dpi=150)
plt.scatter(sup_embed_rg[y == 0,0], sup_embed_rg[y == 0,1], s=1, c='C0', cmap='viridis', label='$y=0$')
## <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection object at 0x7f1b12d8b5f8>
plt.scatter(sup_embed_rg[y == 1,0], sup_embed_rg[y == 1,1], s=1, c='C1', cmap='viridis', label='$y=1$')
## <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection object at 0x7f1af87baba8>
plt.title('Supervised embedding with ranger')
## Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Supervised embedding with ranger')
plt.xlabel('$x_0$'); plt.ylabel('$x_1$')
## Text(0.5, 0, '$x_0$')
## Text(0, 0.5, '$x_1$')
plt.legend(fontsize=16, markerscale=5);
# taking a sample of the dataframe
embed_sample = pd.DataFrame(sup_embed_rg).sample(5000, random_state=42)
# running fastcluster hierarchical clustering on the improved embedding
H = single(embed_sample)
# getting the clusters
clusters = cut_tree(H, height=0.35)
print('Number of clusters:', len(np.unique(clusters)))
## Number of clusters: 17
This shows 14 clusters (although the simulated number was 20).
# creating a dataframe for the clustering sample
clust_sample_df = pd.DataFrame({'cluster': clusters.reshape(-1), 'cl_sample':range(len(clusters))})
# creating an index with the sample used for clustering
index = NNDescent(embed_sample, n_neighbors=10)
# querying for all the data
nn = index.query(sup_embed_et, k=1)
# creating a dataframe with nearest neighbors for all samples
to_cluster_df = pd.DataFrame({'sample':range(sup_embed_et.shape[0]), 'cl_sample': nn[0].reshape(-1)})
# merging to assign cluster to all other samples, and tidying it
final_cluster_df = to_cluster_df.merge(clust_sample_df, on='cl_sample')
final_cluster_df = final_cluster_df.set_index('sample').sort_index()
# plotting the embedding
plt.figure(figsize=(12,7), dpi=150)
plt.scatter(sup_embed_et[:,0], sup_embed_et[:,1], s=1, c=final_cluster_df['cluster'], cmap='plasma')
## <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection object at 0x7f1aee1ad588>
plt.title('Hierarchical clustering and ranger')
## Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Hierarchical clustering and ranger')
plt.xlabel('$x_0$'); plt.ylabel('$x_1$')
## Text(0.5, 0, '$x_0$')
## Text(0, 0.5, '$x_1$')
The {extraTrees
} package, may achieve the closest comparison to scikit-learn
βs ExtraTreesClassifier
## Loading required package: rJava
y <- "labels"
characteristics <- setdiff(names(d_train), y)
train <- d_train[, characteristics]
test <- d_test[, characteristics]
model_extraTrees <- extraTrees(x = train,
y = as.factor(d_train$labels),
ntree = 500,
numThreads = 1 # must be set explicitly as the default is 1
}) # user 10.184 system: 0.104 elapsed: 9.770
## user system elapsed
## 14.276 0.146 13.468
However, unlike itβs Python
counterpart, at this time one cannot get the lead indices from {extraTrees
} so I made a feature request.
If you find this article useful feel free to share it with others or recommend this article! π
As always, if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave your feedback below or you can always reach me on LinkedIn. Till then, see you in the next post! πββ